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(1 edit) (+2)

Я крч зашёл в дом, а советов мне не дали. А так игра хорошая


Очень интересный проект, пробежал на одном дыхании. Жду от команды других интересных проектов. Например, можно сделать идейного наследника Manhunt. Но это так, фантазия.

Молодцы, ребята!


Лучший перфоманс. Странно, что коммунисты тут в коментах ещё не устроили ядерное чистилище


во что я играю

В перформанс


This was really great game well done keep it up!


a very trippy and atmospheric 20-minute journey. excellent sound, setting and, surprisingly, A gunplay. Hamezteam once again pleased us with its unique vision of video games. Keep up the good work!


A superb experience with a unique atmosphere! 

I genuinely enjoyed playing this. The gun play is great, I was super spooked by the robots and the overall presentation of the game is just fantastic. My only issue was with performance, because most Godot games don't run well, at least on my PC. Otherwise - solid! 

best of luck with future developments. Cheers! 

Thank you for the review! Yes, we are aware  of technical problems, we will try to fix them as soon as possible! We are glad you've enjoyed your trip trough Dom Sovetov!